Companion Club
Welcome guests, spouses, friends, and family to the 2025 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal and Power Integrity in Raleigh, NC.
The Companion Club is your chance to meet new people and catch up with old friends. You may register for the Companion Club as a part of the technical attendee’s registration or separately.
This year’s Companion Club, chaired by Linda Davis, promises to be an exciting and fun adventure.
Paid Companion Club members are welcome to visit the beautiful Companion Suite where a delicious breakfast will be served Monday to Thursday, from 7:00 to 10:00 am.
This year, the EMC+SIPI Symposium offers four attractive group Companion Tours/Events. However, you don’t have to be registered for the Companion Club to participate in a tour/event.
If you register for the Companion Club, you may sign up for the tours/events with your own registration. Otherwise, you may purchase tours/events through the technical attendee’s registration; there will be a drop-down space to add your name.
Join your technical attendee at any of our Social Events for more fun and to meet more people. We have special prices for companions under the age of 18. Tickets to the Welcome Reception on Tuesday, a great networking time for all, are included in all Companion Club registrations. The Evening Gala on Wednesday is also a fun event, and companions are invited to register for this event separately in their Companion Club or technical attendee’s registration.
For the younger crowd, our ever popular Youth Technical Program is back once again to amaze all companions and guests aged 8 to 19. This program will again be free of charge, but please register early to be assured of a project kit. Registration for each young person can be made either through your own Companion Club registration or the technical attendee’s registration. Your children don’t have to be registered in the Companion Club to sign up for the Youth Technical Program, but an adult or responsible older sibling must accompany them to the session since this is a hands-on project. A minor release form will need to be completed and submitted before obtaining a badge for anyone under the age of 18.

Adult, age 18+:
Advanced before July 18: $240
After July 18: $270
Junior, age 8-17 (PG):
Advanced before July 18: $75
After July 18: $85
Children under 8: No charge
Would you like to invite your technical attendee to join you for breakfast in the Companion Suite?
“Breakfast Club” tickets may be purchased by the technical attendee as an option for each day breakfast is desired. Tickets must be purchased at a minimum 24 hours in advance to ensure adequate seating and catering.

New for this year, on Tuesday and Wednesday, from 9 – 10AM, the Breakfast Club will feature a guest speaker, who will be talking about Interior Decorating. Jill Vitek, owner of “Romancing the Home” will be the speaker.
Join fellow Companions at the symposium by registering for the Companion Club. This is an excellent opportunity to meet new people and reconnect with old friends! Adult or youth (ages 8 to 17) companions who are pre-registered may go directly to the registration desk located in the Convention Center to obtain their Companion Registration Badge.
Breakfast Club tickets will include:
- Name badge that will allow you access to the Companion Suite and Exhibit Hall (during regular hours)
- Gift bag with goodies
- One ticket to the Tuesday evening Welcome Reception
- Any tour/event or social event tickets you may have purchased
Youths (ages 8-17) who are registered for the Junior Companion Club are welcome in the Companion Suite with an adult Companion Club member. Children under age 8 do not receive a gift bag but will be admitted free if accompanied by a registered adult Companion Club member.
Your ticket to the Welcome Reception is an opportunity to enjoy another great event with your technical attendee where everyone can have more fun and meet new people. It is a great networking time for all. The Wednesday night Gala Banquet is also a fun event; however, companions must purchase tickets separately for that event.
Discounted prices are available for youth under age 18, and children under age 8 will be admitted for free if accompanied by a registered adult.
We look forward to seeing everyone in Raleigh on August 18 – 22, 2025.
Conference attendees, make sure you tell your companions about the Companion Club Tours/Events and sign them up early when you register for the Symposium.
If you have any questions, contact Linda at [email protected].